Purposeful Blogs


Leverage Your Personality Lead Generation

lead generation May 16, 2023
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” 


Does this sound like a pipe dream to you? Do you read it and think, “There’s no way there are people who love their work.” It is work, after all. Working for yourself as a real estate professional is tough. Sometimes it feels like the work is never done, and you never get to shut off for the day. But what if there was a way to make it enjoyable? I like to think that the answer lies in working with your personality type, rather than against it. 


Leverage Your Personality Type for Successful Lead Generation

In sales, lead generation is a crucial aspect of achieving success. However, did you know that your personality type could play a vital role in how successful you are in generating leads? By understanding and leveraging your personality type, you can tailor your approach to potential customers, thereby increasing your chances of generating more leads and closing more deals. In this blog post, we'll explore how to master the ability to leverage your personality type for successful lead generation in the industry.


1. Understand Your Personality Type For Generating Leads:

To leverage your personality type for successful lead generation, you must first understand what it is. Personality types are determined by individual traits, such as introversion vs. extraversion, thinking vs. feeling, and sensing vs. intuition. By identifying your personality type, you can better understand your strengths and weaknesses and tailor your approach to lead generation accordingly.

If your business goals require you to sell 50 homes per year, you need to generate leads to talk to. How do you find these potential customers, in a way that feels natural to you? We will dive into some ideas in a moment. For now, consider taking a personality test to figure out what your strengths are. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a very popular personality test, backed by over 70 years of science-based insight. You can also use this article from Hubspot to find free personality tests to take online.


2. Tailor Your Lead Generation Strategy:

Once you've identified your personality type, the next step is to tailor your approach to lead generation. If you're an introvert, for example, you may prefer to use email or social media to connect with prospects rather than traditional face-to-face interactions. On the other hand, if you're an extrovert, you may thrive in networking situations and prefer to attend industry events or conferences to connect with potential customers.

Whether you're introverted or extroverted, you can find many ways to generate high-quality leads that feels right for you.


3. Identify Your Ideal Customer:

Another key factor in successful lead generation is identifying your ideal customer. By understanding who your ideal customer is and what they need, you can tailor your approach to lead generation to meet their specific needs. For example, if your ideal customer is a small business owner, you may focus on networking with other small business owners or offering solutions that cater specifically to their needs.

Once you establish yourself in this area, lead nurturing becomes part of your daily routine.


4. Build Trust With Your Potential Customers:

Building trust with potential customers is another crucial aspect of successful lead generation. By understanding your personality type, you can tailor your approach to building trust in a way that feels authentic to you. For introverts, this may mean sharing helpful insights and resources in a one-on-one setting, while extroverts may prefer to build trust by leading group discussions or presentations.

Use digital marketing and multiple channels on social media to carve your niche. You can be, do, and have, anything you want, so be creative with this. Build a landing page for your different audiences and be the cutting-edge agent with a reputable business and establish trust with the community.


5. Leverage Your Strengths To Generate Leads:

Finally, it's essential to leverage your strengths to generate more leads successfully. By understanding your personality type and what you're good at, you can focus your efforts where they're most likely to succeed. For example, if you're an excellent communicator, you may focus on building relationships with potential customers through regular check-ins and follow-ups.

Word of Mouth is the most powerful form of referral. Earn business opportunities by being the person who listens, connects, and delivers value.


Reflect on yourself for a moment. Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?

Extroverts: People-Pleasers

Extroverts are often seen as outgoing, gregarious, and energized by social situations. They tend to be natural salespeople, and their ability to connect with others can be a powerful asset in the real estate industry.

According to a report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), extroverted agents tend to outearn their introverted counterparts, with a median income of $51,700 compared to $42,200 for introverts. They may excel in client-facing roles, such as working with sellers, hosting open houses, and attending networking events.

However, it's worth noting that some extroverted agents may struggle with managing their time effectively or staying focused on detailed, administrative tasks. They may need to work on developing systems and processes to ensure that important tasks don't fall through the cracks.

If you’re an extrovert, you probably struggle far less in this line of work than others. While still a challenge, the usual door-knocking, cold-calling, and marketing to your SOI probably doesn't tend to drain the life out of you. Your lead generation strategies are probably centered around chatting it up with anyone who will listen. And because of your personality style, this likely works well for you, and leaves you feeling satisfied with your day and with what you accomplished.  


Introverts: Quiet Strength

Introverts are often characterized as being reserved, introspective, and more comfortable working alone or in small groups. While the traditional image of a real estate agent may be that of an outgoing, social butterfly, introverted agents can excel in the industry by leveraging their unique strengths.

Research has shown that introverts tend to be excellent at listening closely, gathering information, and analyzing data. They may not be the life of the party, but they are often reliable, detail-oriented, and able to build deep connections with clients through one-on-one interactions.

According to an article in Realtor Magazine, introverted agents can excel in research-heavy areas of real estate, such as property valuation and market analysis. They may also find success working with buyers, who often appreciate a more reserved, low-pressure approach.

If you’re an introvert, you’d probably rather gouge your own eyes out than use those more outgoing strategies. Are you forcing yourself to do them anyway? How do you feel when you do so? If the answer is miserable, then perhaps you need to rethink what you’re doing. Stop forcing your square self into a round hole. Sure, try to stretch, grow, and challenge yourself. But also start to ask yourself if there are ways you could be lead generating that match your personality a bit better. For example, I’ve found that introverts would much rather engage with a few people from their SOI than with many people they don’t know. Rather than committing to an hour or two a day of door-knocking, perhaps your energy is best used delivering pop-bys to your sphere? Catch up with a certain number of friends per week. These are high quality interactions, and will likely generate leads, over time. It also is far less likely to make you miserable. In fact, interactions like these usually feel very rewarding, even to the introverted agent. And while longer visits to people that you know may take more time and result in fewer interactions, if it’s something you enjoy doing, then you’re far more likely to keep it up on a consistent basis. And consistency is the glue that keeps your business together. 


Ambiverts: The Best of Both Worlds

If you fall somewhere in the middle of the introvert-extrovert spectrum, you may be an ambivert. Ambiverts have a mix of both personality traits and can often adapt to different social situations as needed.

According to research from the Harvard Business Review, ambiverts tend to be more successful salespeople than either introverts or extroverts alone. They are able to strike a balance between listening carefully to client's needs and advocating for themselves and their services.

In the real estate industry, ambiverts may find success in a variety of roles, from working with clients to conducting market research. Their ability to switch between introverted and extroverted modes can be a valuable asset in a field that requires flexibility and adaptability.


Tips for Success

No matter your personality type, there are steps you can take to succeed in the real estate industry:

  • Play to your strengths

    If you're an introvert, focus on your ability to listen carefully and build deep connections. If you're an extrovert, lean into your ability to connect with others and sell yourself and your services. If you're an ambivert, use your flexibility and adaptability to your advantage.

  • Network with like-minded agents

    Join local real estate groups or attend events where you can meet other agents who share your personality type. Learning from others who have been successful in the industry can be a powerful way to grow your skills and build your business.

  • Be open to feedback

    No matter your personality type, there's always room for improvement. Seek out feedback from clients, colleagues, and mentors, and be willing to make changes based on their suggestions.

The real estate industry offers opportunities for introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts alike. By understanding your personality type and leveraging your unique strengths, you can build a successful career in this exciting field. Whether you're working with buyers or sellers, in residential or commercial real estate, your personality can be a powerful asset in building connections and closing deals.

Most real estate coaches out there tell us to make plans to do the things that have been proven to work and then to MAKE ourselves follow through on that plan. But first, take a minute and ask yourself if the business you’re building makes you happy. If the answer is no, then you’ll always feel like you’re working far too hard. Take some time to reflect on your personality, then weigh it against your lead generation strategy. Do they match? If not, it’s time to stop working so hard and make some changes so that your job as a real estate agent can bring you more joy, and less work. 

Lead Generation Quadrant

One training concept we focus on in our initial training is the Lead Generation Quadrant. This states that all leads come from some or one of the following;

Some form of Phone Call

One of the most popular forms of lead generation is Cold Calling. This comes in the form of Circle Dialing Just Listed and Just Solds, and Calling Expireds and FSBOs (For Sale By Owner). It is easy to start with so it is attractive to agents who need to generate leads with immediate results.

Networking or SOI

Word Of Mouth is powerful, so focusing on this is a viable way to generate leads. I like to incorporate digital marketing into my network and SOI. Imagine if you had a landing page with different vendors that you could share. Now imagine each of those vendors you had created a relationship with. You just created the perfect circle of lead generation.

Make website content around your Network of High Value and share it with your sphere and you will capture leads.


Download the How to Build A Network of High-Value white paper.


Online, Portals or Purchased Leads

Top of the Funnel: Social Media is a great way to acquire leads for your business. Often this is part of any digital marketing strategy. Having a good landing page allows the potential consumer to opt-in, which then allows you to engage in email marketing and retargeting, moving the leads to the middle of the funnel.

Bottom of the Funnel: This quadrant also includes things like Zillow or Realtor dot com where they already did a heavy portion of the lead generation, and the leads have been someone qualified or nurtured. This is an expensive way to provide leads for your business, but a valid one, if you have money and time since they are a little more qualified and opted in.

Traditional Marketing.

Traditional marketing includes things like mailing postcards, door knocking, trade shows, billboards, and print media.


In Closing

Finding the strategy that works for you will help keep you from burnout. That will help keep the fun and joy in the business. There is no sense in being stressed any more than we need to be, so finding what works for your personality style is key.



Til Next Time,

Johnny Mo



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